To conclude this topic, we sadly can't use the characters č and Č propperly in the application. I have marked the problems in the screenshots below:
red square - the user name is changed immediately after saving. It is also written into the log file in the attribute "Lovec" preset as $long_name. This cannot be displayed correctly even when using HTML and the text tag.
orange sqare - This appears in translated menus and in the attribute "Preža" where the options are listed. The character is written correctly in the translation and the log file, but is displayed incorrectly as È and è.
pink square - After using the script on this attribute "Opis" to insert the html text tag the field correctly displays the characters. The minor problem remains when exporting this to a csv file where the html text tag remains.
I have no idea what effort it would take to change the ANSI background of the application to UNICODE and I can't really expect you to do this. On the other hand most modern applications go through this step eventually, mostly because of the Chinese and the Russian markets.
Thanks again for the otherwise great product, I guess we'll have to start using letters c and C instead. Best reagards,