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icon4.gif   "Slow script" problem posting/editing from Safari -- browser hangs, times out, posted by Michael Kelsey on Wed Apr 11 18:14:35 2018 
    icon2.gif   Re: "Slow script" problem posting/editing from Safari -- browser hangs, times out, posted by Michael Hibbard on Thu Apr 12 14:13:18 2018 
       icon2.gif   Re: "Slow script" problem posting/editing from Safari -- browser hangs, times out, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Apr 14 08:50:40 2018 
          icon14.gif   Re: "Slow script" problem posting/editing from Safari -- browser hangs, times out, posted by Michael Kelsey on Sun Apr 15 08:03:21 2018 
             icon2.gif   Re: "Slow script" problem posting/editing from Safari -- browser hangs, times out, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Apr 16 08:19:16 2018 
Message ID: 68783     Entry time: Sat Apr 14 08:50:40 2018     In reply to: 68782     Reply to this: 68785
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Mac OSX  ELOG Version: 3.1.3 
Subject: Re: "Slow script" problem posting/editing from Safari -- browser hangs, times out 

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe it should work without the 

while (in_asend);

So can you please remove that line (it's in src/elogd.c) and recompile elogd and test it?


Michael Hibbard wrote:

I dont' have a solution, but I just wanted to bring more attention to your post. I too am having the same issue with the ELOG system and the Safari browser. I have noticed that ELOG is most stabel and function on the client end from the IE browser. A few weeks ago I also had to switch from using ELOG on the client end from Safari to Firefox.

Michael Kelsey wrote:

Hello!  The CDMS collaboration is using e-Log as one of it's issue tracking systems.  In the last few months, I have noticed a problem when either creating or editing entries from my usual Safari browser (currently 11.1 on MacOSX 10.13.4):  The [Submit] button triggers a spinning beach ball, with no connection to our e-Log server, and after several minutes, Safari complains the the page had to be reloaded, discarding all of my edits, uploads, whatever.  This used to be occasional, but in the past month it has become routine, such that the only way I can edit or create entries is by launching a different browser entirely (Firefox), just for e-Log editing.

Now, I am also seeing the same problems with Firefox, but at the "occasional" level.  The difference is that Firefox produces some diagnostic information, which is why I'm posting here.  When the browser hangs, after a short while Firefox produces a "Warning: unresponsive script" drop-down box:

Warning: unresponsive script

A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.  You can stop the script now, open the script in the debugger, or let the script continue.


[] Don't ask me again

[Debug script]                       [Stop script]     [Continue]

If I use the [Debug script] button, the call stack shows "onclick 681:1" -> "chkform 681:30", and the line-by-line traceback shows the chkform function:

16   var in_asend = false;
18   function chkform()
19   {
20     if (last_key == 13) {
21       var ret = confirm('Really submit this entry?');
22       if (!ret) {
23         last_key = 0;
24         return false;
25       }
26     }
28     if (autoSaveTimer != null)
29       clearTimeout(autoSaveTimer);
30     while (in_asend);               <=== This is the stuck line
31     submitted = true;
32     return true;
33   }

I presume that in_asend is supposed to get changed from false to true asynchronously, by some other parallel communication with the server. But that doesn't seem to be happening.

Does this look like an issue with the e-Log distribution? Or is there a configuration issue with our e-Log server which we could improve?



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6