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Message ID: 68819     Entry time: Wed Jun 6 18:25:32 2018
Icon: Question  Author: utomoadji wisnubroto  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: latest 
Subject: html mode with preset text template cannot be read by newly updated MS-Edge browser 

i have elog tab configuration with preset text as follow :


[Shift Entry]
Theme = corp2
Comment = Shift Entry
Page title = Shift Entry
List page title = Shift Entry

Display mode = summary
Default encoding = 2

;admin and user settings
admin user = tom
login user = tom, secretary, senior, engineer
login expiration = 2

;Menu Displays settings
Find menu commands = List, New, Find, Select, Logout, admin
menu commands = List, New, Edit, Reply, Find, Move to

List display = Schedule-remarks, Schedule-Month, Author, Site, Status, Approval, Suggestion, Reason Not-Approved

Move to = Sr-Shift for Check

;Attributes Settings

Attributes = Schedule-remarks, Schedule-Month, Author, Site, Checked-by, Status, Approval, Suggestion, Reason Not-Approved, Email to

Hidden Attributes = Email to

Options Schedule-remarks = Initial, Revision 1, Revision 2, Revision 3, Revision 4, Revision 5, Revision 6

Type Schedule-Month  = date
# Type Schedule-Month End = date

Date format = %B, %Y

comment Schedule-Month = This Schedule is applied for 1 corresponded Month 

Roptions Author = mike, daniel, tom

Options Site = Chicago, Bangkok

Required Attributes = Schedule-remarks, Schedule-Month, Author, Site

Roptions Status = Need-Check, Checked, Pending, Need-Revision

Roptions Approval = Approved, Rejected, Pending, Need-Approval

preset Status = Need-Check
preset on edit Status = Need-Check
preset on Reply Status = Need-Check

preset Approval = Need-Approval
preset on edit Approval = Need-Approval
preset on Reply Approval = Need-Approval

Locked Attributes = Checked-by, Suggestion, Reason Not-Approved, Status, Approval
Fixed Attributes Edit = Status, Approval
Fixed Attributes Reply = Status, Approval

Cell Style Status Checked = background-color:#0dcf00
Cell Style Status Pending = background-color:yellow
Cell Style Status Need-Revision = background-color:red
Cell Style Status Need-Check = background-color:grey

Cell Style Approval Approved = background-color:#0dcf00
Cell Style Approval Rejected = background-color:red
Cell Style Approval Pending = background-color:yellow
Cell Style Approval Need-Approval = background-color:grey

;email settings
Email all = $EMail to
Use Email Subject = SoC Sr Controllers Shift Schedule Plan
Use Email Heading = New SoC Sr Controllers Shift Schedule Plan $Schedule-Month <br><br>
Use Email Heading edit = SoC Sr Controllers Shift Schedule Plan $Schedule-Month <br><br>Has been Edited<br><br>

preset text = shift.html


I'm using that page to upload employee schedule in elog, and i copy-paste the schedule from excel table with color into the page.

The only browser that allow me to do above activity was only Microsoft Edge, it can keep the excel rich color table smooth and stayed with the color when i paste it.

If i'm doing above activity using different browser such as Firefox or chrome , everytime i paste the color rich excel table , the color always missing and only the text that pasted on the page.

But recently i update my Windows 10 and the Microsoft Edge browser also updated, and since that i the microsoft edge browser cannot read the "preset-text" template anymore and the page just blank.

Can you help


Thank you and regards


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6