Hello everybody,
we had to setup a new server for our elog some time ago because the old one crashed. We are now running version ELOG V3.1.1-0767eb0.
In the previous installation we had these nice buttons for file upload, time stamp and equation editor, which are also available here in the online version.
I already found that in the installation directory ("/usr/local/elog/") there exists a directory "scripts" containing a file "ckeditor-config.js", which also contains the lines:
"config.extraPlugins = 'timestamp,dndfiles,eqneditor,fileupload';" and "{ name: 'insert', items: [ 'Image', 'Table', 'HorizontalRule', 'Smiley', 'SpecialChar', 'PageBreak', 'FileUpload', 'Timestamp', 'EqnEditor' ] },"
These plugins seem to be available in the subdirectory "scripts/ckeditor/plugins/". But why are they not loaded? Is it just a version issue? Or something else?
It would be nice to get a hint.
Best regards,