I am trying to add "Extendable options" for some attribute as below example. However button to add new item for list appears only for the first "Extendable options", if disable the first with (;), button appears for the second. It means elog add new item button only the first line "Extendable options" not for other?
Is this a limitation or bug or am I doing something wrong?
Options Require = N/A, Camera{1}, Lens{2}, Other{3}
{1} MOptions Require Model= XNB-6001, PNM-7000VD, PNM-9000VQ, PNM-9320VQ
{2} MOptions Require Lens = SLA-T2480, SLA-T2480V, SLA-T4680, SLA-T4680V, SLA-T1080F, SLA-2M2400P, SLA-2M2800P, SLA-2M3600P, SLA-2M6000P, SLA-2M1200P, SLA-5M3700P, SLA-5M4600P, SLA-5M7000P, SLA-2M2400Q, SLA-2M2800Q, SLA-2M3600Q, SLA-2M6000Q, SLA-5M3700Q, SLA-5M4600Q, SLA-5M7000Q, SLA-2M2400D, SLA-2M2800D, SLA-2M3600D, SLA-2M6000D
{3} MOptions Require Other = Base Unit
Extendable options = Require Model
Extendable options = Require Lens
Extendable options = Require Other
Thank you