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icon5.gif   Unwanted double entries eg. double clicking submit button, posted by Finn Junker on Wed Feb 13 09:29:36 2019 
    icon2.gif   Re: Unwanted double entries eg. double clicking submit button, posted by David Pilgram on Wed Feb 13 10:58:37 2019 
       icon2.gif   Re: Unwanted double entries eg. double clicking submit button, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Feb 20 15:14:32 2019 
          icon2.gif   Re: Unwanted double entries eg. double clicking submit button, posted by Alan Grant on Wed Feb 20 21:56:32 2019 
             icon2.gif   Re: Unwanted double entries eg. double clicking submit button, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Feb 20 22:41:23 2019 
                icon2.gif   Re: Unwanted double entries eg. double clicking submit button, posted by Finn Junker on Thu Feb 21 08:51:21 2019 
Message ID: 68892     Entry time: Wed Feb 20 21:56:32 2019     In reply to: 68891     Reply to this: 68894
Icon: Reply  Author: Alan Grant  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 3.14 
Subject: Re: Unwanted double entries eg. double clicking submit button 

I'm also happy to see this change implemented as we've had to deal with the same issue at times as well. Will this change be incorporated into the latest version (314-2, aka elog-latest.exe), or will there be a new version release (that is not in Changelog yet)? If so, can you give any ETA on this new code availability?

Also I noticed that the Elog Home page still says "Current version is: 3.1.2". I assume that only means it hasn't been updated, not that it means it's the current STABLE version and subsequent releases are beta -- please correct me if I'm wrong. I just want to make sure I understand how the versions and releases work.

Endless thanks for this product and all your work Stefan.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I just committed some code which disables the "Submit" button after the first click and replaces the text with "Please wait...". So double submits should not be possible any more.

David Pilgram wrote:

I too have this as an occasional issue, although in my case due to a dodgy pointer.  I too manually delete the entries.

Interestingly, it gives double entries - and thus the start of a branch - even in logbooks were branches are not allowed.

Finn Junker wrote:

I'm having a minor issue that were getting double entries due to the user is using the "submit" button more than once.

I seems like when there is a lag either on the machine or on the network it is possible to tap the "submit" button more than once resulting i a double or triple entry containing the same text and a almost identical timestamp.

Is there a way to aviod this?, my "solution" so far has been to select the entries and manually delete them. I'm using Elog version 3.14

Kind Regards Finn




ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6