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Message ID: 68897     Entry time: Mon Feb 25 17:03:50 2019
Icon: Question  Author: Kester Habermann  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.4-1 
Subject: elogd hangs on self referencing log entry 


Somehow when replying to a log entry, a log entry was created that was referring to itself. How this happened, I have no idea. The effect was that each time this enty was loaded, the elogd started to hang, going to 100% load and not responding to any http requests anymore. This problem can be reproduced by manually creating such a self-referencing log entry (see attachment). The problem entry that leads to the crash can be made by editing any elog entry and adding a line "Reply to: X" and a line "In reply to: X" where X is the MID of this entry.

1) Maybe it is possible to add a check when writing files that ensure, that is a log entry does not reference itself.
2) Maybe when loading files are preparing the thread view, elogd can detect cycles and abort.



Attachment 1: 011108a.log  415 Bytes  | Hide | Hide all
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Date: Thu Nov 08 18:37:57 2001
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Author: Stefan Ritt
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