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icon5.gif   Mirror synchronization and file servers, posted by Frank Baptista on Fri Mar 1 19:18:53 2019 
    icon2.gif   Re: Mirror synchronization and file servers, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Mar 4 13:35:13 2019 
Message ID: 68904     Entry time: Mon Mar 4 13:35:13 2019     In reply to: 68903
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 3.1.4 
Subject: Re: Mirror synchronization and file servers 

Sounds really strange to me. The remote server does not "know" that "S:\" is a network drive, so the syncing process should work exactly as before. The only idea I have is that the access to the network files take pretty long, and you run into a timeout during syncing. We had this in the past (for AFS netwhor shares, not Windows shares), where sometimes we have a blocking behaviour where the file access lasted 10-20 seconds, and the server process was simply blocked. Since then I do not recommend to put logbook on network shares.


Frank Baptista wrote:

We have a number of temperature chambers – each has its own laptop running a local ELOG server, with unique logbook for each.  Using the mirror feature, these individual logbooks periodically synchronize to a single remote desktop server, which has a copy of each of the logbooks.  All of that works great, as long as each of the ELOG servers are storing the logbook(s) to their respective local hard drive.

I wanted the remote server to store its copy of the logbooks on the network file server.  I changed the global options of the elogd.cfg file, adding the following:

               Logbook dir = S:\SHARED\LOGBOOKS

That change worked fine on the remote desktop server – new logbook entries were now being stored on the network file server.

Unfortunately, I lost the ability to sync from the individual logbooks to the remote desktop server.  During synchronization, I now get the following error message: “Error sending local entry: Error transmitting message". 

Has anyone run into this? Does this make sense? Am I missing something? Is there a workaround? Is there a wrong time to drink beer? wink




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