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Message ID: 68908     Entry time: Sun Mar 10 01:07:53 2019
Icon: Entry  Author: Ederag  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.4 
Subject: Very long URLs in message list corrupt layout 

First, thank you so much for elog;
after using it for about 3 years, it has proven really handy and reliable.

When there is a very long URL in a message in "plain" encoding,
and this message is displayed in a list of messages,
a very long scrollbar appears at the bottom (same "scroll width" as the URL)
and some tabs and and dropdowns (filters) are unreachable without scrolling.

This does not happen if

  • the message is displayed in single message page
  • the message has a ELCode encoding
The exact version used is
0b9f7ed0 Merge branch 'develop'

There are no relevant instructions in elog.css for .messagelist,
and I did not find any obvious fix in the source code.

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886