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icon5.gif   Reverse proxy setting of Elog for Apache httpd 2.4 so that changing password windows works ?, posted by Takashi Ichihara on Tue Mar 19 06:13:03 2019 
    icon7.gif   Re: Reverse proxy setting of Elog for Apache httpd 2.4 so that changing password windows works ?, posted by Takashi Ichihara on Tue Mar 26 06:41:21 2019 
Message ID: 68912     Entry time: Tue Mar 19 06:13:03 2019     Reply to this: 68920
Icon: Question  Author: Takashi Ichihara  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.4  
Subject: Reverse proxy setting of Elog for Apache httpd 2.4 so that changing password windows works ? 

In CentOS 7.6 + Apache httpd-2.4.6 + ELOG V3.1.4 environment with Reverse Proxy setting of

ProxyRequests Off
RedirectMatch ^/elog$ /elog/
<Location /elog/>
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath   /      /elog/
It almost works fine.  But Changing password has problem. 

When clicking the "Forget password?" link in login window and displaying "Entering your user name or email address"
and entering it, an email is sent to the user:

This is an automatically generated account recovery email for host
Please click on following link to recover your account:

ELOG Version 3.1.4

Clicking the URL above in the Firefox Browser results invalid URL:

These parameters does not pass to the elog by the Reverse Proxy setting above.

 While accessing the URL of (native elog port: 3333)

displays the normal page for Changing password windows for the user.

Is there any suggestions for the Reverse Proxy setting in Apache httpd 2.4 
so that the changing password windows works fine ?

Thank you for any suggestions.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6