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icon5.gif   elog.css and lock.png fail to load with top groups, posted by Ben Loer on Thu Mar 21 16:14:00 2019 elog1.png
    icon2.gif   Re: elog.css and lock.png fail to load with top groups, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Apr 4 12:12:58 2019 
Message ID: 68924     Entry time: Thu Apr 4 12:12:58 2019     In reply to: 68916
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.3 
Subject: Re: elog.css and lock.png fail to load with top groups 

Looks more like a bug to me. Will investigate.


Ben Loer wrote:

As the title says, we have our elog running behind an Apache proxy that is also providing authentication. We also have top groups enabled.  The first time a user views a top group page with a fresh browser cache, the index is delivered, but requests for elog.css and lock.png are returned with http 302 with location set to the elog root.  (I.e., if the server is proxied under,  the first request for returns a 302 with location set to ). 

Any subsequent visits return the files fine. The attached screenshot shows the network requests in chrome. 

Is this a proxy configuration issue, something we've set wrong in elog, ??



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6