Per default, all pages are created dynamically by elogd directly from its C code. So nothing to change easily except hacking the code. There is one exception which is the start page you found already. To change any other page, you have to modify the C code. There is one more (dirty) trick: You can sneak in JavaScript code on every page via the "bottom text" option. This code can then modify the DOM tree and changes pages, but you need to program this in JavaScript.
John wrote: |
Well I answered part of my own question already.. I can have a start page different from what is default, and I can edit the orginal one by simply copying it and modifiying it to my hearts desire. I still have isues after making menu selections from that page tho, when the program (server) takes me to a site called for example: ../forum/index.html?cmd=Config. I cannot find out how to prevent or modify this behaviour. I am supposing tho, that because I am using my own original index.html (start page), that the program is not modifying it (on the fly), like it does with the oringal web pages? I am also still currious if the program does indeed create/modify pages on the fly, and if it does, where does it store them on my hard drive (or is it only put in memory temporaly?). Thanx again :)
John wrote: |
Hi and thanx for such a wonderful program! I was wondering how I might edit, change or add to the landing pages. In other words the first pages that show up (or any for that matter) when you login to a book. I can view the code ok in my browser using that function, but when I search for the actual page and it's locale, I cannot find it. Is it created on the fly by the server? If so, how can I change them.. as I want to add for instance javascripts to manipulate the pages and data more, without actually loosing the main essence of the program (log books). Thanx