Dear all.
I am running elog
elogd 3.1.4 , revision ead6bbc6
on Macosx Mojave
Darwin 18.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.5.0: Mon Mar 11 20:40:32 PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.251.3~3/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
I managed to compile and run without problems the elog source code.
I can run it and have it properly displayed at boot time. After the server boot, for few hours, I have the elog ready at but then, after few hours.. I get that the service stops and the elog is no longer accessible.
So far I was able to track down the problems only to the
file in which I find a not useful error message:
Eg: Apr 23 14:00:46 arpg-serv[1] (ch.psi.elogd[85248]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
I do not know I can I debug this nor why the code runs for few hours without problems... I just re-downloaded the code from scratch today, unloaded and then re-loaded the daemon but still it fails with the same error.
I am sure that I can get it running again for few hours by re-booting. But I want to understand the source of the problem.. Anyone can be of help on this long standing issue?