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icon5.gif   Execute attribute, posted by Alan Grant on Fri May 10 04:34:36 2019 
    icon2.gif   Re: Execute attribute, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri May 10 08:19:08 2019 
       icon2.gif   Re: Execute attribute, posted by Alan Grant on Fri May 10 15:01:52 2019 
Message ID: 68969     Entry time: Fri May 10 15:01:52 2019     In reply to: 68968
Icon: Reply  Author: Alan Grant  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 3.1.2 
Subject: Re: Execute attribute 

I think it was just a matter of my specific interepretation of the documentation, ie: using native OS shell commands vs any script language file containing shell commands or any app for that matter. Nevertheless I think you've answered my questiuon so it's all good. Thanks Stefan.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I don't understand your question. There is no "inline" vs. "external" script. Using the "execute new = <command>", you run a script on the server side. Can be powershell under Windows or bash/csh under Linux. I remember however that there has been issues under recent windows in passing parameters to the shell. Linux certainly works fine, we usse it all the time.

Alan Grant wrote:

Apart from an inline shell command that can be run with the Execute attribute, is it possible to run an external script file? I would like to run a Powershell script with the Elog attribute data parameters passed to it upon Submit New entry.



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