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icon5.gif   Windows Server 2012 - moving logs, posted by Lesley Herren on Thu May 16 01:13:31 2019 
    icon2.gif   Re: Windows Server 2012 - moving logs, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu May 16 09:12:52 2019 
       icon2.gif   Re: Windows Server 2012 - moving logs, posted by David Pilgram on Thu May 16 21:49:06 2019 
       icon2.gif   Re: Windows Server 2012 - moving logs, posted by Lesley Herren on Thu May 16 23:07:53 2019 
Message ID: 68976     Entry time: Thu May 16 21:49:06 2019     In reply to: 68974
Icon: Reply  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.9.2 
Subject: Re: Windows Server 2012 - moving logs 

Hi Lesley,

Perhaps I can restate Stefan's comment.  The data structure of an elog entry, or indeed the structure of daily file(s) for any particular logbook has not changed between v2 and v3.  What has changed is the directory structure.  A set of sub-directories (named by calendar years) are added to each logbook, and all entries/files for any said calendar year moved into the directory for that year.  It gave me a shock the first time I tried using v3 elog, I wondered what it was doing  - it was the auto-conversion to v3 file structure.  I had to convert it all back to v2 file structure, so as to continue to use v2.9.2, so I'm pretty sure there is no change to the data structure within any file, else I think the older elog would kick up a fuss.  As an elog (ab)user, I've plenty of practice with the struture of the data files.

(There was a data structure change between v1 and v2 elog).

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Just stop the server. Move your elog directory to the new server (including elogd.cfg, logbook directories, ...). Then check that the elogd.cfg needs modifications, like the URL which might have changed, then start the new server. V2.9.2 did have an old data format, which *should* be converted automatically. But first try it out before deleting the old server.

Lesley Herren wrote:

We are installing a new data center which will be based on Windows 2012 servers.  Our current center is on Windows 2008 and will be decommissioned this year - 2008 servers (because of the security issue) will not be allowed in the new data center.  So game plan is to install latest ELOG (3.1.2) on the 2012 server at the new data center and move the logs over from the 2008 server.  I've looked through entries and do not see anything about moving the logs over from one system to another.  In this case there are 2 concerns:

1.  Has anyone moved the log entries from one system over to another?

2.  Since we are also looking at updating version of ELOG - are there conversion steps necessary for the log entries or will v3.1.2 be able to use the log files from v2.9.2 as is?

Thank you, Lesley



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