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icon1.gif   Calculations & Interfacing a DataBase with Elog., posted by John on Sat Jun 22 06:52:32 2019 
    icon2.gif   Re: Calculations & Interfacing a DataBase with Elog., posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Jun 22 10:07:08 2019 
       icon2.gif   Re: Calculations & Interfacing a DataBase with Elog., posted by John on Sat Jun 22 10:21:39 2019 
Message ID: 68989     Entry time: Sat Jun 22 06:52:32 2019     Reply to this: 68990
Icon: Entry  Author: John  Author Email: 
Category: Other  OS: Linux | Windows | Mac OSX | All | Other  ELOG Version: ELOG V3.1.2-bd7 
Subject: Calculations & Interfacing a DataBase with Elog. 

Hi, I am trying to calculate two or more Elog fields and then return the value to Elog. I am currently learning Perl to do this. I realize JS can do this.. but so can IBM Basic ;)  I am savy with other db techniques like sql. My question is before I get too far along with this project, is it safe to say the current storage of Elog data is 'Flat File' database? I also want to find out if it would be better to try and grab the data prior OR  after it gets into the Elog database. I see there are other forum messages related to sql interfacing and such, but nothing conclusive.  I will submit my personal progress here. Thanks again, John

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6