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icon5.gif   Unable to add entries with command line elog.exe with SSL, posted by Antonio Bulgheroni on Fri Jun 28 17:00:10 2019 
    icon2.gif   Re: Unable to add entries with command line elog.exe with SSL, posted by Antonio Bulgheroni on Mon Aug 12 13:11:54 2019 
       icon2.gif   Re: Unable to add entries with command line elog.exe with SSL, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Wed Aug 14 13:25:15 2019 
          icon2.gif   Re: Unable to add entries with command line elog.exe with SSL, posted by Antonio Bulgheroni on Wed Aug 14 18:36:17 2019 
             icon2.gif   Re: Unable to add entries with command line elog.exe with SSL, posted by Antonio Bulgheroni on Thu Aug 15 19:00:12 2019 
Message ID: 68999     Entry time: Wed Aug 14 18:36:17 2019     In reply to: 68998     Reply to this: 69000   69002
Icon: Reply  Author: Antonio Bulgheroni  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 3.1.4 
Subject: Re: Unable to add entries with command line elog.exe with SSL 

Dear Andreas,

thanks for your message.

Here are the answers to your questions.

  • Tomorrow I will try to restart the server on port 443, at least temporary, to see if it makes any difference
  • We don't have a real certificate, but just the self-signed certificate that comes with the standard distribution of elog. Of course, I have to accept an exception when connecting from the browser. When I try to add an entry to via the command line from the server itself, I get the message Possibly invalid certificate, continue on your own risk! but it works. 
  • I hope so. This is the elog.exe that comes with the standard distribution, so I have to presume so. It is the same version that is installed on the server, where it works.

Thanks again and more tomorrow...


Andreas Luedeke wrote:

I am using SSL with ELOG and it works fine with the "elog" executable. I am no expert on SSL, but I can provide my two cent what you could try, maybe it helps:

  • SSL desires to run on the port 443 - I have no idea if you can force it to run on an arbitrary port, it might be possible. But does it make sense?
  • Certificates are checked against the provider of the certificate. I guess this works fine from your web browser? Or did you just add a security exception?
  • Has the installed "elog.exe" been compiled with SSL support on?
Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

Any news for my problem? 

Your help is very much appreaciated! 

thanks :)


Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

Dear all, 

we have a running elog installation using SSL (with the self-signed certificate). Generally we use the web interface, but we have been asked if it was possible to automatically insert elog entries via command line. 

elog.exe should be the answer and so I gave it a try.

I was trying the following command line: 

elog.exe. -h server-ip-address -p 8080 -l demo -s -v -u username password -a "Mass=0" This is a test entry

Of course server-ip-address and username / password were proper fields. 

When I was doing this from the server itself, I got the following message:

Successfully connected to host server-ip-address, port 8080
Possibly invalid certificate, continue on your own risk!

and then the entry was inserted, but when I was typing the same from any other PC I got the error message:

Successfully connected to host server-ip-address, port 8080
elogd server does not run SSL protocol

The entry is of course not added and also the server (that is running in very verbose mode) reported a

SSL_accept failed

How can I fix it?  

Thanks for helping,





ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6