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icon5.gif   write access for elogd, posted by Dave Becker on Thu Aug 19 06:21:38 2004 
    icon2.gif   Re: write access for elogd, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Sep 8 12:36:08 2004 
Message ID: 690     Entry time: Wed Sep 8 12:36:08 2004     In reply to: 674
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.5.4 
Subject: Re: write access for elogd 
> Newly installed elog gives this response when I try to submit a new record:
> New entry cannot be written to directory "./logbooks/Linux/" 
> Please check that it exists and elogd has write access
> I started the daemon.  I've not yet assigned passwords -- just checking
> things out.  How can I create this access to my own directory?

First, find out under which account the daemon is running. It you account if
you start it interactively, if you installed from the RPM, an account "elog" is
created. Then make sure that the account under which elogd is running has write
access to the ./logbooks/Linux/ directory. One common problem is that people
start the daemon the first time under their account, which causes elogd to
create the logbook directory under the user name. If elogd is later started
under the account "elog" this one of course does not have access to the
directory. A

chown -R elog.elog /usr/local/elog/

issued as root could help in that case. Please replace /usr/local/elog with the
directory where elog is installed.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6