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icon5.gif   Cannot connect to server of Gmail SMTP, posted by Kevin Wang on Sun Oct 6 20:25:27 2019 
    icon2.gif   Re: Cannot connect to server of Gmail SMTP, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Oct 7 08:54:32 2019 
       icon2.gif   Re: Cannot connect to server of Gmail SMTP, posted by Kevin Wang on Tue Oct 8 05:42:56 2019 
          icon2.gif   Re: Cannot connect to server of Gmail SMTP, posted by John on Tue Oct 8 06:47:27 2019 
Message ID: 69024     Entry time: Tue Oct 8 06:47:27 2019     In reply to: 69023
Icon: Reply  Author: John  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.4 
Subject: Re: Cannot connect to server of Gmail SMTP 

This is a local issue  on your network, if you have a mail server setup. SMTP is not handled directly by Elog and neither is any other mail protocal. Elog just sends the requested email to your server for processing to the recipients afaict. And whatever server (or service) you use to handle email sending needs to be able to accept them from your mail server. So after verifying which ones  you want to use; (like OutLook, or gmail, or whatever), then have your local email server set up to work with them. You can prol have a 3rd party do this was well (instead of your own local one) but then they would STILL need to be able to work with whatever guidlines the actual sender (gmail, hotmail..) requires to have mail sent. Email is a lonnng trail of different providers, servers, and other actors..


Kevin Wang wrote:

Hi Stefan,


Thank you very much for your reply. So which SMTP type can I use now? Is outlook OK?



Stefan Ritt wrote:

Gmail uses a type of SMTP authentication which is currently not supported by elog. It's however on the todo list.


Kevin Wang wrote:

Hi all,

When I tried to set SMTP server of Gmail in the global configuration file, I get the message "Error sending Email via <i>""</i>: Cannot connect to server" after I tried to receive the Email notification. Is there anyone gives help to solve this issue?






ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6