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icon5.gif   Hide logbook tab when not authorized, posted by Stefano Bonaldo on Tue Aug 22 18:29:02 2017 
    icon2.gif   Re: Hide logbook tab when not authorized, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Wed Aug 23 11:36:22 2017 
       icon2.gif   Re: Hide logbook tab when not authorized, posted by Stefano Bonaldo on Wed Aug 23 20:09:39 2017 
          icon2.gif   Re: Hide logbook tab when not authorized, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Thu Aug 24 11:08:43 2017 
             icon2.gif   Re: Hide logbook tab when not authorized, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Aug 24 11:46:30 2017 
                icon2.gif   Re: Hide logbook tab when not authorized, posted by marijn lucas on Thu Oct 24 16:38:27 2019 
Message ID: 69054     Entry time: Thu Oct 24 16:38:27 2019     In reply to: 68681
Icon: Reply  Author: marijn lucas  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: v3.1.2 
Subject: Re: Hide logbook tab when not authorized 

*** edit ***

I solved my problem by removing the guest options from the logbooks ('Guest menu commands' and 'Guest List Menu commands'), this forbids any unauthorised user to see the content of the concerned logbooks. This is what I needed.


Dear Stefan,

I am currently configuring elog for a user platform that will run different unrelated experiments for unrelated research groups. As Stefano, I also would like that user only see the logbooks that they are allowed to edit; your answer was

Hiding logbooks from the logbook selection page is not possible since when people bring up that page, they are not yet logged in, so elog does not know who is accessing the page

However if I set Protect Selection page = 1 in [global] and force users to log in before accessing the logbook selection page, wouldn't elog know who looks at the page?

I would like to use top groups to separate administrative tasks from experimental projects and maintain an easy flow between the different logbooks within a top group for those users that can edit more than one logbook (e.g. the employees of the user platform).



Stefan Ritt wrote:

Hi Stefano,

that's what top groups were made for. So make a top group for yourself, and nobody will be able to see them without having the proper URL. Hiding logbooks from the logbook selection page is not possible since when people bring up that page, they are not yet logged in, so elog does not know who is accessing the page (fortunatley no face recognition yet!). So if elog doe not know who looks at that page, logobook which a certain use has no access to cannot be hidden becuase the user is not known at that point.

Best regards,


Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Well, Stefan would need to answer that. But if you are good with C-programming, you might implement it yourself?

There is a way to implement it; but it makes your installation a lot more complicated: you can have two ELOG servers. The first has all logbooks but requires authentification to read any. The second has only the public logbooks, and they are mirrored from the first.

Stefano Bonaldo wrote:

Hi Andreas,

many thanks for your answer. I partially agree with you, because sometimes "for privacy" of my working group I don't want that other users (external users) know the existance of the other logbooks.

Do you think that will be implemented in future?

Best regards, Stefano

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Hi Stefano,

I think your assessment is correct: it is not possible to hide a logbook based on your read/write privileges.
And I'm not even sure that this would make much sense: at least you need to be able to get to the login page of the logbook.
But if you don't have read privileges for a logbook, you'll be automatically redirected to the login page, as soon as you select this logbook.

Kind Regards, Andreas

Stefano Bonaldo wrote:

Hello, I read carefully the manual, but I didn't find a way to hide the logbooks in the logbook bar and in the initial logbook selection for which the user does not have the access. So, if a user1 does not have the access to a specific logbook, user1 is not able to see that logbook in the bar and neither in the initial logbook selection. How can I do this without using the top groups?






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