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icon5.gif   PAM authentication question, posted by David Wallis on Tue Nov 5 21:42:50 2019 
    icon2.gif   Re: PAM authentication question, posted by Jan Christoph Terasa on Sun Nov 17 14:55:11 2019 
       icon2.gif   Re: PAM authentication question, posted by David Wallis on Thu Nov 21 18:10:28 2019 
          icon2.gif   Re: PAM authentication question, posted by Jan Christoph Terasa on Thu Dec 19 17:46:33 2019 
          icon2.gif   Re: PAM authentication question, posted by Laurent Jean-Rigaud on Fri Jan 24 17:33:14 2020 
             icon2.gif   Re: PAM authentication question, posted by Jan Christoph Terasa on Fri Jan 24 18:13:03 2020 
                icon2.gif   Re: PAM authentication question, posted by Laurent Jean-Rigaud on Fri Jan 24 18:22:52 2020 
                   icon2.gif   Re: PAM authentication question, posted by Laurent Jean-Rigaud on Fri Jan 31 15:39:17 2020 
Message ID: 69059     Entry time: Sun Nov 17 14:55:11 2019     In reply to: 69055     Reply to this: 69061
Icon: Reply  Author: Jan Christoph Terasa  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: V3.1.4-ba84827 
Subject: Re: PAM authentication question 
David Wallis wrote:

I'm testing the PAM authentication feature, and have a couple questions, a suggestion, and a comment.

First the comment... it was pretty easy to get working, and is exactly what we need here, so thanks! Our PAM stack here is designed to allow logins with Active Directory, LDAP, or local accounts, so the PAM option preserves all of that.

The suggestion: In order to make it work, I had to add a symbolic link in /etc/pam.d:
    elogd -> system-auth
That might be considered for addition to the documentation (this was on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7)

The questions:

  1. The docs indicate that "Self register" must be set to >= 1, but in the code (elogd.c, line 26453), if the PAM module is enabled, Self register is overriden to 0. The result is that no "register as new user" link is displayed on the login screen. Is that the intent?
  2. Related... can PAM and File authentication both be enabled? We have some logbooks that are used by both internal people (with an A/D account) and outside collaborators that get local elog accounts. This works with LDAP + File, can it work with PAM?

Thanks in advance!


David, thank you for reporting on your findings regarding the PAM feature. I will look into the points you mentioned:

0. On my machines (Debian testing and stable) I did not have to add anything to /etc/pam.d, but apparently Debian just uses implicit defaults then, and REHL might insist on using excplicit settings. Adding a hint in the documentation is certainly useful, thank your for the suggestion. Maybe elog should provide a pam.d config file (which can be installed/adapted by package maintainers for various OSes).

1.+2. If I remember correctly, I intentionally disabled registration when using the PAM backend, because users will register using their passwd/LDAP/NIS users, and new users can only be regustered using the appropriate tools for the authentication mechanism used. This might not be correctly reflected in the docs, I will check that. In the light of question 2., I can also re-investigate that policy, so that logins will check against both the elog user database and PAM. Self-registering can then be enabled again, and new registrees will go to the elog database. I will try to bringthe code in line with how LDAP works.




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