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icon5.gif   CSS for HTML Mails, posted by Daniel Pfuhl on Wed Jan 22 16:10:51 2020 
    icon2.gif   Re: CSS for HTML Mails, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jan 22 16:35:47 2020 
       icon2.gif   Re: CSS for HTML Mails, posted by Daniel Pfuhl on Wed Jan 22 17:32:39 2020 
          icon2.gif   Re: CSS for HTML Mails, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jan 22 19:30:41 2020 
             icon2.gif   Re: CSS for HTML Mails, posted by Daniel Pfuhl on Tue Apr 21 09:13:45 2020 
Message ID: 69080     Entry time: Wed Jan 22 16:10:51 2020     Reply to this: 69081
Icon: Question  Author: Daniel Pfuhl  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux | Windows | Mac OSX | All | Other  ELOG Version: 3.1.4 
Subject: CSS for HTML Mails 

Hi there,

we extensively use Logbuch as a change documentation platform.

E-Mail notifications for new entries are very important for us.

Since we store sensible data in our logbooks the server is protected by a firewall.

After the firewall was activated the HTML mails are not rendered by the Outlook Mail clients we use - when they are located in an "external" net behind the firewall. I assume that's because of the css stylesheet which is linked in the source code of the HTML mail.

Is there any chance to include the CSS information in the HTML code? Otherwise we would need to make the CSS accessable from anywhere which requires in turn that the path of the CSS file can be customized.

Any idea how to solved this issue?

Best regards,


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6