Hi Stefan!
In the user manual under misc it says this: "The elog program makes it possible to submit logbook entries automatically by the system or from scripts. In some shift logbooks this feature is used to enter alarm messages automatically into the logbook. "
Ok what am trying to do is have all messages update (somehow) without the user entering each record. I want my alarm system to be able to keep-up2-date on the expirations, by simply updating the 'date' fields I have in the logbooks (JS). I am getting used to JavaScript, and have all of that working as far as the actual 'alarms' are concerned. But they are useless if the dates are stagnent (ie. not updateing at least once per day).
So can you refer me to the 'shift books' you reference above, so I can understand how to write the code necessary? I've spend much time searching the net on this and experimenting, so I did try to find out before I posted. I believe using a combination of the Elog Utility, with a dedicated 'start page' that is mostly JS, will be part of the solution...
Thanks soo much for your help and awesome creation! :)
John |