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icon3.gif   SSL connection drop with large content, posted by HyonSan Seo on Mon Aug 10 07:56:43 2020 
    icon2.gif   Re: SSL connection drop with large content, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Aug 10 08:33:42 2020 
Message ID: 69199     Entry time: Mon Aug 10 08:33:42 2020     In reply to: 69198
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.4 
Subject: Re: SSL connection drop with large content 

Your solution sounds quite good, I will incorporate them in the distribution.


HyonSan Seo wrote:

Dear all,


I had some difficulty to upload large files (>20MB) with SSL connection. I think it is also related to

During debuging, I found that, when uploading large files, ssl connection is dropped since 'SSL_read' function returns -1.

But it doesn't alway mean broken connection. It may be "SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ".

I changed the "server_loop" function in the source code to "continue" when it is SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ. And it fixed the problem.

Here is my code.

## elogd.c "server_loop" function L30031

                        if (FD_ISSET(_sock, &readfds)) {
#ifdef HAVE_SSL
                          if (_ssl_flag){
                            i = SSL_read(_ssl_con, net_buffer + len, net_buffer_size - len);
                              int ssl_error=SSL_get_error(_ssl_con,i);    ## check ssl error code
                              if(ssl_error==SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ||ssl_error==SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) continue;    ## if ssl wants more, continue
                            i = recv(_sock, net_buffer + len, net_buffer_size - len, 0);


I am ignorant about networking. Some experts on ssl connection would know a better way to deal with this problem.



HyonSan Seo



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