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icon5.gif   do some changes on .CFG, posted by Lahreche Abdelmadjid on Mon Aug 17 10:34:32 2020 Elog_1.PNGElog2.PNG
    icon2.gif   Re: do some changes on .CFG, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Mon Aug 17 13:27:09 2020 
       icon2.gif   Re: do some changes on .CFG, posted by Lahreche Abdelmadjid on Tue Aug 18 11:28:58 2020 
          icon5.gif   Re: do some changes on .CFG, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Wed Aug 19 15:22:58 2020 
Message ID: 69204     Entry time: Wed Aug 19 15:22:58 2020     In reply to: 69203
Icon: Question  Author: Andreas Luedeke  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2006 
Subject: Re: do some changes on .CFG 

How are we supposed to give you a hint when you don't post your configuration?

Lahreche Abdelmadjid wrote:

Thanks, but I'm the Admin of local ELOG.

usually I can make a lot of changes on my files .CFG But this time no way.

when I select one of the choice i've a text who appear with the right text (code), but only with this choice "Permis de verouillage et d'étiquetage 016685-68AF-0031"

the text appeared is false.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

This has nothing to do with the ELOG package, but only with your local configuration of that specific logbook.
You should contact your local ELOG administrator.

Or you might want to rephrase you question: do you want to have this text added in the text field when selecting the field specifier?
How that can be done depends on your specific configuration. Since you are apparently already using a form in the text field, it might be tricky.

Lahreche Abdelmadjid wrote:

Hi All,

I would like to have "Permis de verouillage et d'étiquetage 016685-68AF-0031" when I select it.

I don't found where can I make this change

thank you.






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