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icon5.gif   Is it possible to visually group attributes with border, posted by Daniel Sajdyk on Thu Oct 8 12:29:55 2020 Elog_question_about_group_attributes.jpg
    icon2.gif   Re: Is it possible to visually group attributes with border, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Oct 8 12:40:52 2020 
Message ID: 69232     Entry time: Thu Oct 8 12:40:52 2020     In reply to: 69231
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: V3.1.4-a04faf9f 
Subject: Re: Is it possible to visually group attributes with border 

Nope, this is not possible. Sorry.


Daniel Sajdyk wrote:


I'm working on new logbook and in one category I'll have many attributes (many more than in attached screenshot).

So here is my question. Is it possible to visually group such attributes with some border, or something like that?

In screenshot you can see what I want to achieve.

Best Regards



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6