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icon3.gif   Field values dependent on other selections, posted by Anthony Krishock on Tue Oct 20 02:34:46 2020 
    icon2.gif   Re: Field values dependent on other selections, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Oct 20 08:24:20 2020 
       icon2.gif   Re: Field values dependent on other selections, posted by Anthony Krishock on Wed Oct 21 02:27:43 2020 Capture.JPG
          icon2.gif   Re: Field values dependent on other selections, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Fri Oct 23 15:10:54 2020 
Message ID: 69248     Entry time: Fri Oct 23 15:10:54 2020     In reply to: 69245
Icon: Reply  Author: Andreas Luedeke  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: latest 
Subject: Re: Field values dependent on other selections 

Instead of using three different options you could use the same:

Options Eyepiece = Pentax{a}, TeleVue{b}, Meade{c}

{a} Options Form = 5mm, 20mm, 30mm
{b} Options Form = 7mm Nagler, 10mm Radian, 24mm Panoptic
{c} Options Form = 8.8mm UWA, 14mm UWA, 26mm QX

It makes more sense.
But it is as well possible to supress attributed in the edit from. See

  • Show Attributes = <list>
    Attributes present in this list are shown in the single entry page. Omitting attributes can make sense for attributes which are automatically derived from other attributes via the Change <attribute> command.
  • Show Attributes Edit = <list>
    The same as Show Attributes, but for the entry form.

You just have a different <list> for each conditional case {a} {b} {c}.

Anthony Krishock wrote:

Thanks for your suggestion. Right now, my log is configured as follows:

Options Eyepiece = Pentax{a}, TeleVue{b}, Meade{c}
{a} Options Pentax = 5mm, 20mm, 30mm
{b} Options TeleVue = 7mm Nagler, 10mm Radian, 24mm Panoptic
{c} Options Meade = 8.8mm UWA, 14mm UWA, 26mm QX

If I select "Pentax", I would like the other two options to be unavailable. Instead, all three options are shown. Can I mask the other unused options?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Look in the manual under "conditional attributes"


Anthony Krishock wrote:


I would like to know if there is a way in elog to populate a field based on the value of another field. What I want to do is have a field with a few selections (a menu) and another text field that populates based on what I select from the menu.


Is this possible?




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