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Message ID: 69259     Entry time: Tue Nov 17 12:10:07 2020
Icon: Cool  Author: David Dunne  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.4 
Subject: Style <attribute> and Cell Style <attribute> on the same row 


(FYI, OS = FreeBSD, Elog Version as showing on logon box = V3.1.4-)

Is it possible to use both Style <attribute> and Cell Style <attribute> on the same row?
For example, have a Logbook containing several Attributes and display a subset of those attributes in Summary Mode. Two attributes are of interest for this query which are part of the attributes displayed in Summary Mode, attributes ‘Assign Line’ and ‘Service’ 

If the ‘Attribute Assign Line = Assign 1’ then shade all cells in that row #808080
but if the ‘Attribute Service = 1600’ always shade that cell #7A5776 

Config file includes
Style Assign Line Assign 1 = background-color:#808080
Cell Style Service 1600 = background-color:#7A5776

The result is the row gets shaded #808080 if ‘Assign Line = Assign Line 1’ but fails to shade the Service cell colour #7A5776 if it equals 1600 

Extract from HTML source for the ‘1600’ cell when both conditions are correct shows both background-color values are present and the cell is styled the first value listed (which is Style Assign Line Assign 1 = background-color:#808080 but I always want #7A5776 for cell Service when it is of value 1600)
<td class="list2" style="background-color:#808080" style="background-color:#7A5776"><a href="../Daily/1">1600</a></td>  

Thank you,


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6