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icon5.gif   Locking entries, posted by filantoro on Wed Sep 1 03:42:22 2004 
    icon2.gif   Re: Locking entries, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Sep 8 15:48:47 2004 
Message ID: 693     Entry time: Wed Sep 8 15:48:47 2004     In reply to: 680
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.5.42 
Subject: Re: Locking entries 
One possibility is to use the option "Restrict edit time = <hours>". This way
an entry can only be edited let's say 8 hours after it has been created.

Another way is to maintain two logbooks, a "scratch" logbook and an "archive"
logbook. Users would put their entries into the scratch logbook, the staff
would examine it and move them to the archive logbook, where all users only
have read access to. To move entries between logbooks, you have to put the
"Move to" command in the configuration file like:

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