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Message ID: 69311     Entry time: Mon Mar 1 16:02:02 2021
Icon: Warning  Author: Sebastian Schenk  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 395e101 bitbuck 
Subject: Last default time bug 

Hello all,

I have the issue, that we can't list entries older than 1 year, if "Last default = 31" (or any other number, but they are restricted to 1, 3, 7, 31, 92, 182, 364) is active.
The quick filter displays the option for "-- all entries --" but selecting this only reloads the default time frame (31 days).

A workaroud is to select a different time e.g. 1 day and then modifying the URL to ?last=1000 or so, gives acces to the old entries.
But this is not the intended way to do it.

The Find results are also affected by this. e.g. selecting 1.1.2020 to 1.6.2020 with "Last default = 31" yields 0 results.
The "Show last default" atrtribute for 1, 3, 7, 31, 92, 182, 364 work fine and overwrite the "last default" time in the quick filter.

In the Find page, there will be a "All entries" option at the top of the date selection box, if "Show last default" equals to 1, 3, 7, 31, 92, 182 or 364
(2, Bug: it is empty for "Show last default = 0" and not All entries")

Selecting "All entries" or the empty first value in the Find "show last:" date , will give a Find result with the "Last default" time constraint.

Thus it is not possible to get any entry older then the longst period possible (364 days), if you don't know about the workaround.

Best wishes,

PS: I use a self-compiled version of elog up to the 395e101 commit in the bitbucket repository with pull request #7 (which hasn't been merged for over 1,5 years) and a simple patch for our local LDAP.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6