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icon1.gif   How to make personal ELOG to public, posted by Hien Doan on Tue Mar 30 12:56:48 2021 
    icon2.gif   Re: How to make personal ELOG to public, posted by Sebastian Schenk on Tue Mar 30 18:08:37 2021 
       icon2.gif   Re: How to make personal ELOG to public, posted by Hien Doan on Thu Apr 8 06:25:58 2021 
    icon2.gif   Re: How to make personal ELOG to public, posted by Frank Baptista on Mon Apr 26 16:14:49 2021 
Message ID: 69337     Entry time: Tue Mar 30 18:08:37 2021     In reply to: 69335     Reply to this: 69339
Icon: Reply  Author: Sebastian Schenk  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 314-2 
Subject: Re: How to make personal ELOG to public 
Dear Hien,

your problem is more general the question, how to get the elog to the network.

You have to open the port on your system to the network.
I would suggest to google "open port for webserver on windows".
As right now I would just do the same and follow a tutorial.
A remark here: elog by default runs at port 8080, if you haven't changed this, this is the port you should be opening to the network.

If the elog can be accessed in the local network and you want to open it to the whole internet,
then you need to configure your router/gateway/(company) firewall to allow forwarding of the port of the elog.
I can't give you tips here, at this is very user specific.

An other remark, i would suggest (for a productive environment) to use user authentication in the elog to restrict access.
If you do this, then you also should use https reverse proxy or have a read in the SSL section of the elog documentation.
As http only would transmit the credentials in plain text.

I hope, I could give you a route, what your next steps could be.
Best wishes,

> Dear experts,
> I am trying to use ELOG for my projects which we want to record every daily activities.
> I have successful installed the ELOG to the computer (Windows10 -64 bit).
> However, I don't know how to make it public or online, that people can access it from their computers.
> I am a very newer to the ELOG.
> Could you help me on it, please?
> Best regards,
> Hien.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6