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icon5.gif   Problem with a self-compiled code., posted by Maxim on Mon May 31 14:51:39 2021 
    icon2.gif   Re: Problem with a self-compiled code., posted by Sebastian Schenk on Thu Jun 3 16:02:02 2021 
       icon2.gif   Re: Problem with a self-compiled code., posted by Maxim on Wed Jun 23 14:08:15 2021 
Message ID: 69367     Entry time: Mon May 31 14:51:39 2021     Reply to this: 69368
Icon: Question  Author: Maxim  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 3.1.4-3 
Subject: Problem with a self-compiled code. 

Dear, sir! There is a problem with a configuration file.

The code was compiled by Cygwin (gcc-core, gcc-g++, make, gdb, libssl-dev).  After a compilation a reference to our own css-file was written in configuration file and css-file was included in a folder “themes/default” of the project.

The problem is that in running elog-3.1.4-1 (and upper versions) css-file name in a code of a page has some random symbols before file-name, for example: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ø9öÿeLogOUK.css">. It was found that the problem is resolved if a string “Password file=passwd” is deleted, but in this case it is impossible to set passwords to the users.

Here is an example of configuration file which is taken from the forum and just one string (CSS=elogOUK.css) has added to the code




; port under which server is listening

Port = 8080


CSS = eLogOUK.css



Comment = Accelerator Logbook


; use user level password access

Password file = passwd

Login expiration = 1000

Admin user = ritt

Self register = 1


; look and feel

Guest menu commands = Back, Find, Login, Help

Guest find menu commands = Find, Login, Help

Date format = %B %d, %Y


; attributes

Attributes = Author, Author Email, Category, Subject

Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other

Extendable attributes = Category

Required Attributes = Category, Subject

Thread display = $Subject, entered by $author on $Entry date

Quick filter = Date, Category


; title as shown in the browser

Page Title = Accelerator Logbook - $subject


; preset author and email

Preset Author = $long_name

Preset Author Email = $user_email


; these attributes cannot be changed

Locked Attributes = Author, Author Email


; only author can change its own entry

Restrict edit = 1


; options for reply

Subst on reply subject = Re: $Configuration Name

Remove on reply = Author, Author Email


; No Email notification

Suppress Email to users = 1



What can be done to resolve this problem?

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6