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Message ID: 69369     Entry time: Mon Jun 14 16:15:10 2021
Icon: Warning  Author: Sebastian Schenk  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux | Windows | Mac OSX | All | Other  ELOG Version: 3.1.4 
Subject: Additional forbidden attributes 

Hello Stefan,

I stubbled on a issue with our elog.
We introduced an attribute "mode" to one of the elogs and it breaks the "Find" function as this attribute is already used for the viewing settings "full", "summary" and "threaded".
(HTTP parameter pollution)

I suspect other special attributes used by the internals of elog should also not be allowed.
A quick search in the "Find" reveals these attributes in the URL, so I guess, these should also be avoided.
This list could be incomplete

npp, ma, da, ya, mb, db, yb, attach, reverse, mode

A simple workaround would be updating the documentation to add these to the list of forbidden attributes.
Maybe a warning can be added, if the elog behaves unexpected, try other attribute names, as they can conflict with internal attributes.

A fix could be to add a prefix for internal attributes, which can't be used for user attributes.

Best wishes,


PS: I also noticed using the "Find" command, the generated URL contains 2 reverse attributes like "reverse=0&reverse=1"

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6