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Message ID: 69399     Entry time: Thu Oct 21 11:00:46 2021
Icon: Warning  Author: Andreas Luedeke  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.4-2e1708b 
Subject: Redirect in Execute new needs space after ">" 

EDIT: forget the tip below. Instead just call script files: inline scripting in the ELOG config shows very strange behavior. Doing the same in external scripts works reliable.


I just spend an hour searching for a problem. To avoid others to spend the hour again, here's a little "special behaviour" of shell execution in ELOG you should know about:

If you want to do redirect to a file in a shell execution, put a space before and after the redirecting. The following does not work:

Execute new = if ! [ -z "$CampaignID" ] ; then echo "$CampaignID" >/usr/local/elog/logbooks/elog-campaign.default ; fi

You will not get an error message, but the file is not created. But if you add a space it will work as expected:

Execute new = if ! [ -z "$CampaignID" ] ; then echo "$CampaignID" > /usr/local/elog/logbooks/elog-campaign.default ; fi

It is not really a bug; if you know about it, then it is not a big deal: hence this entry here. I saw this behavior on a Linux RHEL7 system.

In case you are wondering: I use this to create a default for the field CampaignID, to be used for new entries in combination with a Preset:

Preset CampaignID = $shell( if [ -r /usr/local/elog/logbooks/elog-campaign.default ] ; then cat /usr/local/elog/logbooks/elog-campaign.default;fi )
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6