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icon5.gif   Body of new messages not getting saved when submitted, posted by Harry Martin on Sun Nov 21 23:20:15 2021 
    icon2.gif   Re: Body of new messages not getting saved when submitted, posted by Sebastian Schenk on Sun Nov 21 23:49:42 2021 
       icon2.gif   Re: Body of new messages not getting saved when submitted, posted by Harry Martin on Mon Nov 22 00:44:21 2021 
          icon2.gif   Re: Body of new messages not getting saved when submitted, posted by Harry Martin on Mon Nov 22 19:28:28 2021 
             icon2.gif   Re: Body of new messages not getting saved when submitted, posted by Harry Martin on Mon Nov 22 19:45:08 2021 
Message ID: 69420     Entry time: Mon Nov 22 19:28:28 2021     In reply to: 69419     Reply to this: 69421
Icon: Reply  Author: Harry Martin  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.2 
Subject: Re: Body of new messages not getting saved when submitted 

(disregard my recent post here about missing package -- that wasn't the elog server!)

I can see that ckeditor was upgraded 11/19, which is would be prior to my recent attempts to use elog.  It was apparently a security update, so I am not sure it is sensible to downgrade.  OTOH, I am the only person here, and I have all sides carefully barracaded, so I don't think it would be much of an issue.   But please disabuse me of my ignorance if need be.

Harry Martin wrote:

Thank you for your quick response, Sebastion.  The new version of ckeditor is 4.5.7 -- is this version compatible with elog 3.1.2?  It is possible that I am using an outdated elog or outdated ckeditor due to the fact that this server is a bit old; I am looking to upgrade this machine soon, but I have several other issues to resolve first.

Sebastian Schenk wrote:

Hello Harry,

the elog server (elogd) is a standalone application written in C and contains a full webserver and logfile management system.
There are no other dependencies to apache or python.

You can use a webserver like apache or nginx in combination with elog to act as a proxy,
e.g. to handle the encryption part of the communication between your web browser and the elogd, but you don't need to.

Regarding the first part of your message:
The elog server worked normally; entries (including the text body) got saved correctly until the last update? 
The only thing in your list of updates, I can think of making this problem could be the update of ckeditor as it is the text editor used by elog.
The other packages should not be related to elog... but I am not a package maintainer.
I compiled elog from source and it brings the necessary files with it.

Best wishes,

Harry Martin wrote:

I've been using elog for a few years now.  I've had the current setup working for me up until today.  

If I create a new message (entry, whatever they are called), or if I attempt to update an existing message, only the header information is saved.  The body (the part I can see in the editor) does not get saved.

Yesterday, I did do some updates on the server machine.  Among them was an update to apache2, but I am not using apache2 (I can disable apache2, and elogd continues serving elog on client machines).  Also updated were several python3 packages; I ran into a compatibility problem with python3 with a different package, so I wonder if that could have some impact for elog also.  About 50 packages were updated altogether.

Here are the packages that were updated yesterday (in case this is of interest to solving the issue):


This is a devuan ascii server only for clients on a local area network.




ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6