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icon5.gif   Adjustment of summary columns, posted by Mariia Fedkevych on Fri Dec 17 11:54:38 2021 
    icon2.gif   Re: Adjustment of summary columns, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Dec 17 12:11:22 2021 
       icon2.gif   Re: Adjustment of summary columns, posted by Mariia Fedkevych on Fri Jan 28 17:37:55 2022 
Message ID: 69456     Entry time: Fri Jan 28 17:37:55 2022     In reply to: 69453
Icon: Reply  Author: Mariia Fedkevych  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: All  ELOG Version: 3.1.4-395e101 
Subject: Re: Adjustment of summary columns 

Thank you!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You can manually modify the CSS style to adjust column widths. Locate elog.css which resides under elog/themes/default/elog.css, then find the class “.listtitle”, and modify the line

width: 0%;

to something like

width: 10%;

you can play with the width until it suits your needs. After each change, you have to reload the page in the browser to see the effect.

If you only want to change the width of a specific column, add following lines to your elog.css:

.listtitle:nth-child(4) {

where ‘4” is for example the 4th column. You can have several of these statements for different columns.

To hide the text, use the option 'summary lines' as described in the manual.

Mariia Fedkevych wrote:

Is it possible to manage the column widths on a logbook's summary page one by one?
Also, is it possible to hide the Text column without actually hiding the text body in entries (as Show Text = 0 in elog.cfg does)?

Kind regards,



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6