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icon5.gif   Password File Config Issue, posted by Mark Delaney on Fri Feb 4 23:35:27 2022 
    icon2.gif   Re: Password File Config Issue, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Feb 10 14:02:15 2022 
Message ID: 69469     Entry time: Thu Feb 10 14:02:15 2022     In reply to: 69466
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: ELOG V3.1.4-395 
Subject: Re: Password File Config Issue 

Can you try the "top groups" option, which means putting each logbook into a separate top group as described in the documentation. For us this works well, new users are only added to the right password file. There is however the problem that as admin you might be logged in to several logbooks (as remembered in your browser via cookies), so you might want to log out from all logbooks first (or clear all cookies of elog), then log in to one logbook and add the user there. In worst case you still can modify the password file by hand, they are plain ASCII files. Only the password has to be entered later since it's encrypted.


Mark Delaney wrote:

I expanded an elog server from 1 to 3 logbooks. For each logbook there is a separate password file defined. 

When I try to add a new user in one of the 2 new logbooks using config => new user, it adds the user to the password file for the original logbook.

Have verified that access to the logbooks is controlled via the separate password files. If it would help to provide an example of the elogd.cfg or if I need to clarify further, let me know. 

Any suggestions welcome.

Thanks. Mark.


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6