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Message ID: 69480     Entry time: Wed Mar 2 18:35:48 2022
Icon: Entry  Author: Konstantin Olchanski  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: ELOG V3.1.4-cb3 
Subject: login cookie confusion 
we had an elog with only one logbook and one password file,
we added a second logbook with a second password file and everything broke.

specifically, login to the original logbook stopped working,
username and password is accepted, elog.log says "user accepted", but I am presented
with the login dialog again, ad infinitum, and cannot access the elog.

solution seems to be to "delete all cookies" (which is excessive,
google chrome wants to delete all cookies for *,
which will log me out from everywhere I am logged in and probably
erase/reset web site preferences everywhere).

manually deleting just the elog session cookie also seems to work, though.

this suggests that there is a bug in elog, where on successful login,
it fails to create a new authentication cookie, but reuses an old
cookie, which is no longer valid, for whatever reason (that would
be a different bug, why adding one more logbook invalidates
existing logins?).

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6