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icon1.gif   Invalid activation code, posted by Konstantin Olchanski on Wed Mar 2 18:29:08 2022 
    icon2.gif   Re: Invalid activation code, posted by Konstantin Olchanski on Wed Mar 2 23:15:11 2022 
Message ID: 69481     Entry time: Wed Mar 2 23:15:11 2022     In reply to: 69479
Icon: Reply  Author: Konstantin Olchanski  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: ELOG V3.1.4-cb3 
Subject: Re: Invalid activation code 
> Something is not right with the elog account activation...

I did a test:
- register as new user "test", web page says "request for approval sent..." (good)
- check elog config, user "test" is present, "active" set to "no" (good)
- open the "approve/activate" URL, get "Invalid activation code" (should say: "activated successfully!")
- check elog config, user "test" now has "active" set to "yes" (good, "approve/activate" URL worked)
- open the "approve/activate" URL again, again "Invalid activation code" (should say: "already activated!")

additional test:
- from the elog config, user "test", set active to "no", save.
- open the "approve/activate" URL, get "Invalid activation code" (good, this time)
- check elog config, user "test" is still inactive (good)

So it looks like the "approve/activate" URL works correctly - only the first time it is accessed - but
returns wrong message "invalid activation code" instead of "success".

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6