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icon5.gif   Slow performance, posted by Alan Grant on Tue Jun 28 18:53:50 2022 
    icon2.gif   Re: Slow performance, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Sat Jul 2 14:39:41 2022 
Message ID: 69537     Entry time: Sat Jul 2 14:39:41 2022     In reply to: 69536
Icon: Reply  Author: Andreas Luedeke  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 3.1.2 
Subject: Re: Slow performance 

We have 68 logbooks and currently 60 GB data total. We run it as well on a VM, in our case with 8GB RAM.
The speed of ELOG is mostly given by the filesystem: when we had AFS it was very slow. With NFS it was better. But we now use a local disk on the VM: that is much better.
If you want to have the best performance (upload of large files can still slow down all users) then I would recomment local SSD for the file system of elogd.

You might talk to your system administrator: they can likely provide a local SSD on the VM server host.

Alan Grant wrote:

We're up to 30 logbooks, 3.2GB data total and Elog damen has now become slow. Performance stats show 100%CPU on startup then reduces. Searches and general UI activity is slow. It runs on a VM with 4GB memory allocated. Up to 15 concurrent users.

Trimming and archiving some data files may help but I gather overall this is underpowered hardware in this instance so what is recommended system requirements for a config like this?


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6