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Message ID: 69556     Entry time: Fri Sep 9 19:42:05 2022
Icon: Question  Author: Paul Paquette  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS:   ELOG Version: ELOG V3.1.4-a04 
Subject: By Passing the Email requirements for Elog 

Hello Sir,

        I'v been a long time user fo Elog for about 14 years.  We use it for indexing our Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes for Decision on Properties within the Town of Hampton.  Is it possibel to by-pass the SMTP mailer for building logins and password changes.   We are a small network where we deal wiht the customer face to face in reseting password and builing new users.  Having the user reset them selves doesn't happen and normally we just take a ticket and do the task for them. 


We are building a new user and take we have not done in 10 years.  In those ten years the decsion was made to The Town onto Office 365 E3 GCC  and remove the ole mail server.  Now I'm finding impossible to build a new user or reset a password without SMTP support.

Thank you in advance.



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6