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Message ID: 69571     Entry time: Wed Oct 19 14:19:39 2022
Icon: Question  Author: Antonio Bulgheroni  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 3.1.4 
Subject: Duplicating attachments when editing an entry via command line elog.exe 

Hi there! 

I have noticed this effect when editing entries with the command line elog.exe.

Let's say I submit a new entry via the command line and I'm also submitting an attachment file. If I check the elog entry via the browser I see my entry there with its attachment as expected. The attachment is also present on the server in the logbook folder with the date and time stamp in front of the original name. 

Now, let's say I would like to edit the same entry via the command line, if I don't pass the attachment, the edited entry won't show any attachment in the browser but on the server there is still the old attachment file available. 

A similar situation is when I edit an entry and I want the edited entry to have the same attachment file of the original one. In that case, the entry on the browser will show the attachment, but on the server I have two copies of the attachment file with the two timestamps (original submission and edited submission). Moreover the first copy is unreachable from any client because not linked to any entry anymore.

In general I would not care much, but I have an application that is regularly updating entries and I will soon have the server hard disk full of useless copies of unlinked attachment. 

I have seen that when deleting an entry, also all its attachments are removed. Would it be possible to have attachments removed when editing an entries? 

Thanks for your help! 




ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6