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icon5.gif   Planned maintenance at the top of ELOG listing, posted by Finn Junker on Mon Nov 21 09:46:46 2022 
    icon2.gif   Re: Planned maintenance at the top of ELOG listing, posted by David Pilgram on Mon Nov 21 13:32:04 2022 
Message ID: 69587     Entry time: Mon Nov 21 13:32:04 2022     In reply to: 69586
Icon: Reply  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 3-1-4 
Subject: Re: Planned maintenance at the top of ELOG listing 

The way to do this is to ensure that the date of the entry is in the future.  As a hard -core linux (ab)user of elog, I create an entry, then dive into the yymmdda.log files, and edit it so that the date at the top of the entry is, for example, Sat, 31 Dec 2022 23:59:59.  Then, that entry will remain at the top of the listings until the New Year.  I do this very thing for the very same reason, i.e. to keep one entry at the top of the listings until after a certain date.

It may be that if you have "date of entry" field and sort by that, you could set the date of entry in the future.  I've not tried that.

The same effect could be done by adjusting the computer/server's date to the future, make the entry and then reset back to the present, but that may well be unpopular and impractical.  On a single computer, I have done this, although I then changed to editing the yymmdda.log file directly.

Finn Junker wrote:

We use our instance of ELOG as a operations log so that newest events are sorted at the top.

Sometimes we are also up front informed about planned maintenance, and i would be nice to could "pin" them at the top - before the sorting, so that operatores could have them in mind when starting a new shift. Have anyone found a way to solve this?

Kind Regards Finn


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6