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icon5.gif   export the entries from ELOG to ECSS Word document (Manifacturing Report), posted by Manuela Rigano on Tue Jul 25 17:50:16 2023 
    icon2.gif   Re: export the entries from ELOG to ECSS Word document (Manifacturing Report), posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 26 11:32:59 2023 Screenshot_2023-07-26_at_11.34.36.png
       icon2.gif   Re: export the entries from ELOG to ECSS Word document (Manifacturing Report), posted by Manuela Rigano on Wed Jul 26 11:41:40 2023 
          icon2.gif   Re: export the entries from ELOG to ECSS Word document (Manifacturing Report), posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 26 14:43:48 2023 
Message ID: 69678     Entry time: Wed Jul 26 14:43:48 2023     In reply to: 69677
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS: Linux | Windows | Mac OSX | All | Other  ELOG Version: 3.1.4 
Subject: Re: export the entries from ELOG to ECSS Word document (Manifacturing Report) 

You can export logbook entries into a CSV file, then load it into Excel.


Manuela Rigano wrote:

Thanks a lot Stefan,

I asked if it is possible, in general, to create a connection and automatically fill in the tables of a report, or export the data into excell tables to then be connected to the report, having in our case about 24 process tables to be filled in with data or validation, for each report. If the compilation is not automatic, after having compiled the elog in each phase of the processing, the manifacturing report will then have to be compiled manually.

We use elog, having already used it in MEG We must then compulsorily also make manufacturing  and test reports. The expected space-type documentation format for these documents is in word.

Below is a small example of a test table, with just a few steps.

Thanks again





Expected Value

Measured value



Power-On Ixxxx





Test communications with ...





Command xxxx to switch-on the  value ….V DC/DC





Configure a multimeter to measure voltage





Use the multimeter to check ..V interface. Connect multimeter positive prove to pin x, and negative prove to pin y of yyyy connector

Volts:  x.xV ≤ ___ ≤ y.yV




Repeat operation between pins z and q of …

Volts:  5. 097V ≤ ______ ≤ 5.252V




Command xxxx to switch-on the ..V DC/DC





Use the multimeter to check ..V interface. Connect multimeter positive prove to pin xx, and negative prove to pin yy of yyyy connector

Volts:  x.x V ≤ ______ ≤ y.y V




Power-Off xxx





Re-connect harness to zzzz through yyyy connector





Power-On xxx





Verify ..V input voltage. Check final voltage

Final Volts @ ..V:  x.x V ≤ __ ≤ 5y.yV




Verify ..V power consumption

Consumption @ ..V: x.x< _ < y.y W









Stefan Ritt wrote:

You can just copy-and-paste an elog entry into Word. I tested it here wiht a simple table:

one two
three four

Did a copy-and-paste to Word, and got the thing below.




Manuela Rigano wrote:


Is there a way to export the ELOG entries to a file like Microsoft Word?
For ECSS-type documents for space missions, I have to report the data that we enter in the ELOG in a Manufacturing Report, foreseen for ECSS, in word format. It's possible to do it?
The data has to go into tables, inserted in the world file, called "as run procedure".
Is it possible to connect the elog to a report template so that it automatically generates the manufacturing report? Or link the tables placed in it so that they are automatically filled in?

Thank you so much




ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6