You can always insert the full link to the attachment like this one:
But you can also use elog:69699/1 as shown here. Unfortunately you can do that only after the entry has been submitted, so you know the ID number of that entry. Once you have it, edit the entry and put it in.
Celeste Torkzaban wrote: |
I like the ELcode feature that lets you easily make an internal link to an attachment in the same post. However, I wasn't able to get this to work in the html editor, even though it's possible to use the ELcode format to link to another post in the logbook. When I type in elog :/1 in the html editor (without the space) and submit (even with an attachment present), it weirdly gets changed and shows up as 61/1 in the submitted elog, without any hyperlink. As far as I know we're using the standard elog code and only modified css parameters. Is there another syntax to link to attachments in html?
Testing it out here: 69699/1 (elog :/1 without the space turned into 69699/1)