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icon5.gif   Cannot send Emails, posted by John on Mon Oct 23 20:35:54 2023 
    icon2.gif   Re: Cannot send Emails, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Oct 24 08:12:38 2023 
Message ID: 69705     Entry time: Mon Oct 23 20:35:54 2023     Reply to this: 69706
Icon: Question  Author: John  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: latest 
Subject: Cannot send Emails 

Hello, my sending of emails was working a while back but I have not checked on it in a few months and found out I am getting authentication errors sending to my MTA (mailer). I was using a base64 to encode the pw but now my mailer ( rejects it. Has anything changed over the last couple of years with Elogs code that would be affecting this? I just upgraded (Linux) and changed my testing grounds to non-production and the same problem exists. Thing is I CAN send using other programs, but not with Elog. It is impertive I figure this out or have a work around.. but a 'work around' does not seem like a possible  task since all the work (forums and such) will be via my Elog server.

Thanx, John

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6