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icon1.gif   Maximum number of attributes, posted by Dr Marta Divall on Mon Jan 8 11:06:49 2024 
    icon2.gif   Re: Maximum number of attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 8 11:08:14 2024 
       icon2.gif   Re: Maximum number of attributes, posted by Dr Marta Divall on Mon Jan 8 11:42:08 2024 
          icon2.gif   Re: Maximum number of attributes, posted by David Pilgram on Mon Jan 8 15:56:40 2024 
             icon2.gif   Re: Maximum number of attributes, posted by Dr Marta Divall on Mon Jan 8 16:18:45 2024 
                icon2.gif   Re: Maximum number of attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 8 16:25:05 2024 
                   icon2.gif   Re: Maximum number of attributes, posted by David Pilgram on Mon Jan 8 17:30:42 2024 
                      icon2.gif   Re: Maximum number of attributes, posted by David Pilgram on Mon Jan 8 21:08:43 2024 
Message ID: 69718     Entry time: Mon Jan 8 17:30:42 2024     In reply to: 69717     Reply to this: 69719
Icon: Reply  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: ELOG V3.1.3-a38 
Subject: Re: Maximum number of attributes 

Or what about the "ticket number" feature?  Every new entry  thread (sorry, confusing terminology on my part) would increment the ticket number by one, and there is no limit as far as I am aware.  This is all explained in the elogd configuration documentation.  

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Why don't you simply create a single attribute "identifier", which then gets a value D_001, ..., D_xxx. You can still use the D_xxx in full text search.


Dr Marta Divall wrote:

To explain the problem, we have silicon chip designs, which we log with an indentifyier, which is the attribute for easy search, as we want to follow their progress from design thorugh fabrication to testing, involving many people. They are called D_001; get it. We have reached the 100, but maybe it is the est just to create an archive after each 100 design and make a new tab/logbook. Any other suggestions are of course welcome. 

David Pilgram wrote:

In my case, I had a number of attributes which had a varied prefix.  For example, "progressed" , which could have no prefix, or prefix "I", "To be", "Strongly", "Seriously"... and that was true (the same prefixes, or at least many of them) for a number of attributes.  Splitting them into two groups, the prefixes and the action, allowed me to gain more actual attributes without having to recompile.  Suitable change in the elog config file will also make this easy to follow in how the entries are shown in threaded or full display modes.  In your case suffixes may be better, but I hope you get the point.

Although I have done a (linux) recompile in the past, v2.9 something, 120 attributes seemed not to affect things.

Dr Marta Divall wrote:

Dear Stefan,

 Thansk for the super fast response! To keep the stability of the system we will look for a different solution then. 



Stefan Ritt wrote:

You would have to change the elogd.c code and recompile. At some point you wlll however get crash of elogd with a stack overflow. If you need more than 100 attributes, it becomes anyhow hard to manage, so I would suggest other ways, like adding iformation to the text body etc.


Dr Marta Divall wrote:

The maximum number or attributes is 100.

Is it possible to increase this?








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