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icon5.gif   user change under webserver authentication not recognized, posted by Frank Heyroth on Fri Jan 19 15:49:13 2024 
    icon2.gif   Re: user change under webserver authentication not recognized, posted by Frank Heyroth on Wed Jan 24 14:50:21 2024 
       icon2.gif   Re: user change under webserver authentication not recognized, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Feb 23 15:13:46 2024 
Message ID: 69721     Entry time: Fri Jan 19 15:49:13 2024     Reply to this: 69725
Icon: Question  Author: Frank Heyroth  Author Email: heyroth(at) 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.4 
Subject: user change under webserver authentication not recognized 

Hi all,

I am using the Apache webserver authentication and redirection over http (not https). I have configured it 1:1 as described in the Adminguide. In the elog.cfg I set Authentication = Webserver.

All works fine; the webserver requests an authentication and elog recognizes me correctly.
However, when I close and reopen the browser and log in as a different user, elog does not change the user (tested with Firefox and Edge).
I can only change the user if I use a different browser or restart the elogd (reload is not enough).
The X-Forwarded-User header is set to the correct username - I have checked it with a CustomLog in Apache.

Best regards,

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6