Hi Stefan,
> As you saw I use the bitbucket pipeline for CI/CD. The current bitbucket-pipelines.yml is pretty simple (see attachment). If you make me one which does the rpmbuild automatically, I'm more than happy to upload and use it. The downside there is that it only works for so long. As you saw at the
> error above, the pipeline worked a few years ago when I installed it. But in meantime things changed apparently and need to be fixed. ELOG is around since last century (literally!), and I'm kind of tired to fix things every once in a while. If somebody else could take over the responsibility to
> deliver the RPMs I would be more than delighted.
Good news ! I thought the bitbucket-pipelines.yml was automatically added when importing the repo :-P
Btw, i try to update it as enclosed :
- first step : build, install, start and test Web connection
- build on ELx in // with artifacts
- on centos7
- on centos8
- on centos-stream-9
- automatic deployment on ... where you want. You can push to your website the files by sftp/scp using dedicated account/key using secrets in bitbuckket...

Manually, the artifacts (rpm files) are also available from website in pipeline's steps, Artifacts tab and download button.

NB : The ELOG version is statically set in pipeline script (3.1.5) so this script need to be updated with git one by bitbuecket vars or script command to retrieve it from src.
One more thing : the elog.spec.template must be patched to build last ELOG source on EL7. Without, an error occurs on nullptr usage and C++ must be set to C11 rules... See enclosed elog-EL7_c11_patch.diff .
Now, the Debian/Ubuntu PKGs generation have to be added. Need google as I do not do that for 20 years :-P