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Message ID: 69749     Entry time: Tue Feb 27 16:00:43 2024
Icon: Question  Author: scott  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 3.1.3 
Subject: LDAP over password file 

Hi Team,

Current configuration


OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

ELOG version: elog/jammy,now 3.1.3-1-1build2 amd64 [installed]

Installation method: apt install elog

Configuration file: /etc/elogd.cfg

LOGBOOKDIR= /var/lib/elog/logbooks}
RESOURCEDIR= /usr/share/elog

I had an ELOG server set up in the Windows server which is authenticated using a Password file. Recently, I have migrated the ELOG server to the Ubuntu server. I installed ELOG from the Ubuntu repository (apt install elog) and copied over the logbook and configuration file from the windows server to the new Ubuntu server. In the server, the configuration file was set to /etc/elog.conf by default. I have modified the init file and set the configuration file to /etc/elogd.cfg (this conf file is copied from the Windows server) which includes all the settings. After moving to the Ubuntu server I would like to authenticate users using the password file and LDAP. Could someone help me how to configure LDAP in my installation style?

The global configuration that is found on my installation is as follows:


; Global settings

Password file = elog.pwd
Self register = 1
Admin user = a, b,c, d, e, Iafdsel

Suppress Email to users = 1
SMTP host =

Time format = %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
Date format = %Y-%m-%d

Restrict edit time = 2
Restrict edit = 1

Allow HTML = 1
Max content length = 209715200
Save drafts = 0



Should I add the below modification (by editing the necessary fields) to the current configuration? Will that make the LDAP and normal password file work?


  • Enable LDAP authentication in the Makefile by setting USE_LDAP = 1   (I am not sure if I need to do this in my installation style. If yes, how do i do this?)
  • Authentication = LDAP
  • LDAP server = ldap://
  • LDAP userbase = ou=People;dc=example,dc=org
  • LDAP login attribute = uid
  • LDAP register = 1


Can someone guide me on what changes I need to make for this?


Many Thanks,

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6